Professional Learning

The Office of Teaching and Learning, in partnership with the Office of Student Services and Office of Technology and Digital Learning, are pleased to offer a variety of district sponsored professional learning opportunities.   From graduate level courses, workshops fulfilling DESE re-licensure requirements, staff-facilitated book studies, professional learning communities (PLCs), and communities of practice (COPs), we strive to organize and facilitate opportunities for our staff to grow in the profession.  Below you can find a listing of district-sponsored professional learning opportunities.

LSDO (Local Staff Development Organization) We are excited to be involved in LSDO, along with 14 other districts to provide free and reduced professional development. Check out designed to provide you with current professional development offerings. Please check this site often to view upcoming events, workshops, courses and job alike opportunities. 

We are Looking for Book Study Facilitators!

As part of our Professional Learning opportunities, the Office of Teaching and Learning is looking for our own staff members to facilitate a book study of their choosing.  If you know of a professional text that would benefit other staff members and if you would like to facilitate a book study, let us know!  Book study facilitators receive additional PDPs for their work and taking on this leadership opportunity is great evidence for educator evaluation!  Fill out the form below for additional information, or contact Assistant Superintendent Zachary Waddicor for details.

We are Looking for Professional Learning Community Facilitators!

To help promote the continued growth of our professional staff, we are looking to increase the number of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) this upcoming school year.  If you have a PLC topic that you would like to facilitate, let us know.  We will give you training in how to facilitate a productive PLC and you can earn additional PDPs for your work!  This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your leadership and it can serve as evidence for educator evaluation.   Fill out the form below for additional information, or contact Assistant Superintendent Zachary Waddicor for details.